Thread: Harry Potter: Katherine: Her Hogwarts Story - Sa9+
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Old 01-22-2012, 08:03 AM   #17 (permalink)
george is cool
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sinead O'Dowd
First Year
To PIGFARTS and beyond! ♥ Where the sky is blue ♥

Chapter 6
I sat in silence, waiting for something to be said. Then, the headmistress spoke. “Welcome back to Hogwarts, all of you– except the first-years who I’m sure will love Hogwarts just as much as the older students,” Professor Middleton smiled, warmly. “This year, before we tuck in to this delicious feast made by the amazing house elves, I have a few things to say. First, as always, no-one is to go into the forbidden forest without a professor and a good reason. Next, I’d like to welcome our new Care Of Magical Creatures teacher, Professor Lovegood, who I’m sure will be very happy here,” the headmistress stopped, while a dreamy-looking, blonde, young woman stood up and nodded. “And finally, as usual, there will be no magic in the corridors unless there is an emergency. Now, let the feast begin!” she finished, sitting down to her own meal. I have to say, these house elves did a good job. I wasn’t really very hungry, but because it looked so delicious, I had to pile my plate up. Cody didn’t eat much, still looking very shocked. Lights looked over at our table every two seconds, longingly. It was really uncomfortable.

After the feast, the Gryffindor prefects called all of us first-years to follow them to the common room. They led us out, up to some strange staircases. They moved! It was quite hard getting to the common room. We stopped outside a portrait, which was also moving! It was a picture of a quite large lady. Cody didn’t looked surprised at all, just sad. The prefect said “planta genista!” and the fat lady swung open! We all climbed through to a cosy room with large armchairs and a warm fire. Me, Lewis and Cody sat down, where Lewis offered us a chocolate frog that was leftover from the train. I said no, because I was stuffed after the feast. The prefects were introducing themselves in the corner, so we went to say hello. “I’m Selina and this is Dan,” she smiled at us. After that, I went up to the dorm, because I was so tired from the journey. I’d been up early in the morning, desperate to leave, but it didn’t make time pass any more quickly. I sank on to the nearest bed, covered by a patchwork quilt.
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