Transfiguration Homework Post #2 Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Alright. Now that her frame was sketched out, Ellie decided it would be best to practice transforming the paper into a frame now, before she tried the whole thing. Better safe than sorry, right?
Getting out her wand, Ellie concentrated on her drawing in front of her and what she wanted it to look like in real life. She took a deep breath and said, "Statua Habitum," while tracing the edges of the paper.
The paper immediately began moving and transforming, but it was rather slow. Slower than what she had done in class. Ellie pursed her lips and waited until the transformation was done. The paper had stopped moving, but it wasn't an oval shape, like she had wanted. It was more square or rectangular, like the paper... "Reverto." She would just have to try again.