Originally Posted by
Deciding that she had had a long enough break, Kurumi pushed herself off the desks and sort of loomed off to the side, not moving too far away from the safe zones just in case. Then...she noticed Sierra and a mischievous smile appeared on her lips for some unknown reason.
Kurumi ran up behind the Slytherin, placed a hand on her left shoulder, and attempted to muffle a giggle. "
Not waiting for her
glare reaction, Kurumi scampered off.

Just when Sierra whirled around, she caught sight of Hollingberry the Hero running throughout the room. Okay, so what number did the girl have? If it was an eight, Sierra didn't even need to bother. If it was something else, though...
Sierra didn't need to wonder much longer, though. Hollingberry was gaining on her, and since Sierra needed another number to figure out, she let the girl tag her.
"Thanks, Hollingberry," she muttered.
There. That should startle the girl to next Saturday and back.
"October 4," thought Sierra.
9 + 4 = 13
1 + 3 = 4
Originally Posted by
Minerva went up to another student and smiled. "You look like you want a new number. Tag you are now an 8"

...and now it was time for payback.
"Hey, ..." Hey, you! Sierra didn't know the girl's name, but when she got a bit closer, she reached out and tagged her.
"Right back at'cha. Now you're a four."