Originally Posted by
Alyssa quietly snuck up behind Anna and said,"Hi" before tagging her "
Tag you are now a four"
Before going back into the middle of the class to tag more victims.
Oh, good!
Now Sierra was actually a number other than an eight or a seven. Again, she smiled at the one who'd tagged her. She need the participation, and well...if no one tagged her, she didn't get to participate.
Not that this was
fun for her, but...well, she did need the class credit.
"October 4," she said, mentally calculating.
9 + 4 = 13
1 + 3 = 4
Originally Posted by
Hermione Lily Potter
Standing kinda off to the side, Lily hadn't expected to be tagged. However, she someone tap her shoulder, and turned to see who it was. Smiling, Lily noticed that it was Louisa. "Hey, Louisa." but that was all she could say before Louisa was off looking for others to tag. so Lily thought of a date. "9+17=8, so I would need October 17th. Now I'm and eight."
"...and now you're a four," Sierra said, grinning. She tapped the girl lightly on the shoulder before moving on.