Just stopping in quickly as I am about to go out, but I'm just over 400 pages in. Yesterday wasn't a big read day. Work then tired. Anyway.
SPOILER!!: thievery
The term has become more deserved.
Still a very complex situation with Mayor's wife. STILL not sure if there is something more sinister going to happen.
SPOILER!!: death and foreshadowing
He gave away a couple of biggies and I'm not sure if you are up to that yet, Erin so I hesitate to say what even in here.
He did say he is not fond of suspense, that death. heh I think this way is almost worse. The anticipation of the event and then the heartbreak of it happening. I think it is the road to get there rather then the end that is the most important thing.
Roro - haha yes!
I love The Family Guy's Death.