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The look he got for telling her that he didn't trust her made Lewis start fidgeting with his jacket sleeve a little nervously. Err. He hadn't meant to insult her or anything. It was just...true. Should he make a run for it? In case she was really upset and tried jinxing him or something. Somehow that idea seemed REALLY appealing all of a sudden. He wasn't even sure why it had taken him so long to think of it.
Already getting ready to get up and run, Lewis glanced at her one last time upon hearing her reply. She seemed to...agree with him? "It's true, isn't it?" Lewis pointed out quietly, his eyes still on her face in case she decided that he had insulted her after all and went after him. Which she didn't though. At least not right now.
When Gwen struggled to answer his question about the Ravenclaws, Lewis nodded slowly, considering this. "Yes, that's what I thought." They wouldn't ALL be the exact same, right? That would be weird. And very unlikely. Hang on, some of the first years couldn't spell their own name?! Snort. "I'm wondering how they got in this school in the first place." He muttered with a shake of his head. Some people these days.
He looked back over at her when she mentioned that she should rather be Slytherin. "Why?" It was still a little confusing for him to see how some people identified with a certain house that much. And in this case not even her own house.
Looking back at Lewis, she still couldn’t decide if he was just making fun of her or not.
Hmm… and I thought I was acting odd, Gwendolyn told herself and realized he was about to --erm--run away? Was he scared of her?
Well- this is a first. She’d been mean to other students too, but no one was taking the rude jokes seriously.
Hmph. ‘It’s true?’, she said, raising her eyebrows.
‘What is true? The fact that we just met, or that I am… rude?’, Gwen snapped back, trying to sound like she was only joking, but of course, not managing to do so.
‘But anyway … I guess it’s true. Yes.’ And I don’t really care. It is much worse to be lost in the mist than rude, right? Riiiight?
As she heard his comment about the first years, Gwen couldn’t help laughing. She’d been wondering the same.
‘No idea’, she replied, putting her hands up.
‘Some of them actually stupefy me with their remarks’ Incredible how dumb people manage to get everyone’s attention, the Ravenclaw thought, but decided not to say it out loud.
‘Why?’, Gwen puffed.
‘Because… I just think that almost all the characteristics of the Slytherin house apply to me…’, she started saying but suddenly stopped.
But don’t get me wrong. I DO like Ravenclaw, and I’m happy I got into this house.
‘Never mind’, she said, gesturing with her hand.
After saying that, Gwen looked back at her copy of the daily Prophet. It wasn’t anything new in there, and the third year couldn’t believe she spent so much time trying to snap the paper from that monstrous owl.
Grr. ‘What is that spell that turns paper into other objects?’, she mused and then looked back at Lewis.
Any ideas? Meh… if he didn’t know as well, she could always make a plane out of it… or just pass it to Ariadne.