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Aha! A new number had entered the mix! Kurumi pushed herself off the desk she had been leaning against, once again forgetting to tie her shoelace, and trotted over towards her Flying older sister. Vashti had helped her a lot her first year, too bad that it had now all gone to waste.
Welcome to the....WOAH!"
Pesky shoe laces. Kurumi toppled over again in front of Vashti, face planted into the ground.
I-I'm alright!"
Tag floor. You're an 8 this time.
Ira was still looking around for some more fun, when suddenly someone fell down! Thud! Who was it? Ira turned and saw Kurumi. Down on the floor.
Ira hurried over to her. "
Kurumi!" she asked, "
How did you fall down? Are you hurt or something?" But she looked alright, but you never know! "
Take my hand, get up! You can get up, right?" Ira was just a little scared. She actually didn't know what to do next! Should she call professor?