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Vashti had been quietly watching her fellow students participate in the activity, her hands on one of the desks so no one could catch her off-guard. After awhile though, she decided she had had enough of simply standing off to the side, so she checked her notes again to make sure of her number - which was a four - then lifted her hands from the top of the desk and made her way into the middle of the room.
Hmm... Who to tag?

Aha! A new number had entered the mix! Kurumi pushed herself off the desk she had been leaning against, once again forgetting to tie her shoelace, and trotted over towards her Flying older sister. Vashti had helped her a lot her first year, too bad that it had now all gone to waste.
Welcome to the....WOAH!"
Pesky shoe laces. Kurumi toppled over again in front of Vashti, face planted into the ground.
I-I'm alright!"
Tag floor. You're an 8 this time.