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After walking up the moving spiral staricase with Kurumi that led up to the Headmaster's Office Auggie tentatively knocked on the door and then slowly opened it, stepping inside and held it open so his Prefect friend could join him.
"Headmaster Tate, um it's August Goldstein and Kurumi Hollingberry." He started off queitly. "Well uh see we found something while up at the Observatory last night and Professor Roslund thought we should come talk to you about it."
And he left it at that. Kurumi could further explain things. August would just look around the office from where he stood right now, he hadn't ever been in here before.
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Walking up the spiral staircase with August, Kurumi felt oddly calm about seeing the Headmaster. It probably had to do with this not being her first visit her and, well, the circumstances this time were far from what they had been previously - Mr. Ikenna and house elves, separately of course.
Kurumi smiled as August introduced them and then reached into her bag for her piece of
parchment with all their observation notes on it. "
We discovered a comet, Headmaster," she explained as she handed him the parchment to see for himself. "
Professor Roslund thought that perhaps there might be some connection to Hogwarts being a thousand years old."
Tate took the parchment, although he certainly gave the two students a quelling sort of look. Really? They wanted to chat Astronomy with him?? Hmm. The world must be ending if he was considered the authority of anything of the sort.
"I see. Um..." Tate turned the sheet around to study it carefully. "And why exactly would it not just be a regular comet? What did Roslund say exactly?"