August was actually excited to attend Astronomy lessons this term after his and Kurumi's discovery the other night at the Observatory. He had never expected to see a comet in the sky the night he and the Prefect had gone up there to meerely work on their Astronomy homework.
Entering the classroom the Gryffindor waved at the Professor who was reading the Daily Prophet and spoke to him as he made his way to the desks.
"Hello Professor Roslund, how are you today?" Quote:
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Entering the classroom, Kurumi was a bit taken aback by Professor Roslund's...costume. No no, that was rude. The man was always in some sort of extravagant looking robes, but these were certainly up in the top five she had ever seen him in up to now. "Good evening, Professor Roslund," Kurumi said as she took her usual seat in the front and set her bag down on her desk. "Anything interesting in the Daily Prophet?" Not that Kurumi expected there to be anything about the comet that her and August had discovered...spotted...whichever it ended up being.
Setting her things out, Kurumi grabbed the parchment provided and wrote down the requested information before watching it turn into a name plaque.
Setting that to the side, Kurumi waited for class to start and for her Astronomy buddy to show up. Where was that little lion?
After he greated the Professor August saw Kurumi sitting in a seat not too far from where he stood and he glady took up the one next to his new Astronomy buddy.
"Hey Kurumi, you think we will discover another one today?" He said as a joke.
They were just that awesome.
Name: August Goldstein
House: Gryffindor
Year: 4th