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Okay Willy just HAD to laugh at that awkward squeak coming out of the little Slytherin's mouth. "He's about three months," he answered, smiling and nodding as the crup divided its attention between drooling on the girl's shoes and staring inquisitively at the boy's face.
Heh. "You thought I was scary and mean?" he almost snorted tea out of his nose at that one. "You're all right, kid, you're all right...." Hehehehhh. "No, you've really only got two scary and mean professors to watch out for here, and neither of them is me."
No. It was the other former Slytherins Daichi had to fear. Lafay and Scabior, anyone?
"You liked it?!" Pretty cool and interesting? That was like receiving an O in William's book! AWESOME! "Well thanks, Daichi.... so long as you keep attending my lessons and praising them like that, I promise not to feed you to the Giant Squid!"
Not this term anyway!
Daichi was completely unaware he was basically getting laughed
at. His eyes still looked at the cruppy as he walked around and finally decided to drool on the Hufflepuff's shoes. hehe.
"That's not old" he answered , still watching the crup.
"I have an owl but he acts really strange nowadays..." The Slytherin sighed at the thought.
"He's old though.."
Daichi's mouth dropped open for the nth time.
"How...how did you know i-i was thinking that?" O___o
"Can you read MINDS ,sir? Woooh that's so cool!" Yep he was getting back to his personal self again. He had to laugh again when the Professor snorted out his tea though.
"I think i know who you are talking about, Professor." he nodded his head in understanding before a slight grin tucked on his lips.
"But, honestly sir. My head of house is not THAT scary... She's normal to me atleast" he said and shrugged his shoulders. He remembered he had gotten a thank you from her in his first year for help winning the quidditch cup and in his second year she actually helped him by giving advice in class. It had been a bit snappy but still...it had helped.
"I think it's because i don't blow up my cauldrons in class"As for the other...he'd rather not talk about him hehe.
"eh..yeah..." Daichi had jumped in his chair a little when the man's voice had suddenly rose up.
"I mean, it was a bit cruel..but interesting..." he said awkwardly as he scratched the back of his none-itchy head.
"And i realized that, even though i'm mad at my dad right now he is still the one closest to my heart....wow that was cheezy"
"FEEDING ME TO THE SQUID?!" Daichi pouted as he wrapped his arms over each other.
"okay i'll come to the next lessons ...i don't wanna end up as squid dinner" he shivered.