Homework #3 chocolate frog hunter
Carigan stood up and untied her skirt so it would flow out again. She pulled a small djembe out from her school bag and wrapped it round her neck. She began to beat the djembe and dance around the fire seed plant singing. "When the moon is in the seventh house, and Jupiter aligns with Mars. Then peace will guide the planets and lo-ove will steer the stars!" She sang and beat the drum and danced around in circles. She must certainly look a fool while doing so. Carigan never realized just how strange she and her family truly were. The moments she was singing and dancing with her family were the times she loved most of all, this made her sad remembering her twin sister, hoping she was okay. Perhaps after she had finished her visit with the fireseed bushling she would send a letter off to her sister in Romania.
Last edited by MysteriesOfFate; 01-19-2012 at 08:02 PM.
Reason: Title