'Use your full name on your birth certificate.'
THAT wasn't happening. But then, who was Hadley to say what her
full name was? No one knew save for Treyen so........
And what did those mean? Ellie wasn't copying down the meanings onto her paper. That was laborious and unnecessary. That's what the textbook was FOR, no?
So, apparently, she just liked making people happy, according to her 'Soul Urge' number. How ridiculous, right? When did she ever care if someone else was happy about what
she did?
A lot, kinda........Or, at least she cared a LOT about getting those seven OWLs for her mum, right? She even went the extra mile and passed eight in hopes of her mum forgiving her lack of Potions OWL.
Anyway..... Ellie flipped a page and looked at her 'Life Path' number. Leadership. Blah, blah, blah, she was Captain, was she not? The girl was beginning to think the number creepily accurate until her gaze fell upon the word 'bookstore'. As a possible career choice.
She had to bite her lip to keep from laughing.