With an affirmative from Hadley concerning the soul urge number, Keefer moved on to the life path calculation. He started a new section on his parchment and began to write.
He circled the final number 9. He rifled through his book until he found the appropriate entry for Life Path numbers.
Your path will lead you to understand the interconnectedness of all things. It's a path of universal love that learns compassion and tolerance. Once you've learned this lesson, you'll move on to the next phase - tolerance for all and the importance of caring for each other. You're a born healer and your healing may take the form of writing, composing, painting, or sculpting - reaching others by truly connecting to them. You'll be learning how to let go, to surrender the self for greater good. Career/vocation options include the arts, international business, education, and health - any line of work designed to help, heal, or humanize.
Woah, this was a lot to think about. So how did his soul urge description fit in...?