Jotting down a few notes here and there, but mostly cross referencing previous term's notes to make sure that she had everything Professor Hadley was saying already covered, Kurumi scribbled in the margins a few notes and then set her quill down and raising her hand. "
One's Life Path and Soul Urge, which is also sometimes called the Heart's Desire, Numbers are part of your Core Numbers. I suppose you could almost call you Life Path Number your personal road map through life. It tells you what road you are following in life and what sort of personal attributes are needed to help you excel down that road," Kurumi began. "
To find this number, you take number value for your month, day, and year you were born. Then, using the addition method of reducing each compound separate, you add the remaining numbers together." It was sort of hard to explain out loud. Kurumi had always thought of Arithmancy as one of those classes were you learned through doing more than verbal cues.
Kurumi quickly scribbled some numbers and calculations on her piece of paper.
May 12, 2061
(0+5)+(1+2)+(2+0+6+1) =
5+3+9 = 17 = 1+7 = 8
At least, Kurumi was pretty sure that was right. She was known to make little mistakes here and there. Call it over eagerness.