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Good, she was no longer gripping the floor.
Aw shucks Kurumi you're making me blush he replied sarcastically
Now all he had to do was surprise her and knock her back! Waving a few butterflies away that had flew in his line of sight he had just barely noticed the the next spell hitting his hand that swatted the bugs away! He felt a strange sensation go through his left hand. He watched as the scar faded and he sprouted fur and his fingers were replaced with hooves!
HEY! HEY! WHAT!? He shook his hoof hoping to get it to go away but that wasn't going to do anything.
Stop it Oakey, you need this win! He stopped his complaining quickly and regained his composure putting his hoof hand behind him he stood in a similar pose that Kurumi had taken moments ago. Pointing his wand at the floor he spoke Orchideous rotating his hand in a circle and followed it with Geminio doubling the bouquet of flowers now sitting on the platform's floor.
This was a good surprise, throw Kurumi off with a two beautiful bouquets of flowers...and then... Waddiwasi! The flowers were no longer in bunches and launched themselves off the floor speeding in the direction of Kurumi!
Kurumi waved off his sarcasm. She was being sincere whether he believed it or not. She looked as her spell his his hand, but Oakey simply used his other hand to hold his wand. Well, that should make things a little more awkward at least. Using a different hand for spell casting than usual.
Next thing Kurumi knew there were GIANT bouquets of flowers coming in her direction and Kurumi swished her wand back and forth several times in a slicing manner. "
Diffindo!" The flowers were sliced up into pieces and sent petals all over the place. Hey, this all smelled rather nice actually. It was soothing actually. Only one small problem: now there was pollen everywhere and Kurumi began to sneeze a bit, making loud
but cute squeaking noises.
Kurumi got back into her ready position, still not really wanting to attack Oakey and simply make it more difficult for him to cast. Using Expelliarmus was, of course, the easy way to go about this, but where was the fun in that. This time, Kurumi pointed her wand at Oakey's head and decided to go with the same spell as before. "
Bestiar ears!" Things would certainly be much more difficult if he couldn't hear what she was casting.
Kurumi pivoted again, readjusting her footing and a few stray flowers that she hadn't got with her Severing Charm that then flew off the stage and onto the ground. Still not wanting to really harm the younger Puff, Kurumi pointed her wand at his feet. "
Glisseo!" The stage in front of her and all the way up to Oakey turned became very smooth and slippery. Wand back at Oakey's feet, Kurumi waved it at his shoes. "
Covadium!" Now his shoes would hopefully be roller skates. Super smooth surfaces with roller skates didn't always mix well. Hopefully the boy would have good balance.