Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious Quote:
Originally Posted by MoviegoerKinz Roman was so nervous about being a firstie. He just felt so small compared to everything and everyone here! He didn't really know how to fit in or break through. But, he thought he'd just enjoy the afternoon ready a book in the common room. He took a seat by the window and cracked open The Three Musketeers. The book was really old, but he liked the story, even if it was a muggle tale. Anya skipped into the common room. Well... as well as one could skip into a hole in the wall anyway. So far classes were going well and she'd made many friends.
She didn't even miss home too much.
She looked around for a seat... she should probably start some homework. She found an open one by the window. Without asking for permission, she snagged a seat next to a boy that looked her age.
And she was about to reach into her bag when the boy's book distracted her. "Is it any good?" she asked nodding toward his book. "I've only ever seen the film." Classics never really appealed to her. They seemed all... old timey.
__________________ I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________  _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You |