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He was Dueling Kurumi! Finally a chance to get back at her for casting the Silencing Charm on him during the Capture The Flag game. As he made his way to the center of the stage and bowed anyone could tell that Oakey had a terrible grimace on his face. He stood and looked Kurumi in the eyes. Turning he took his stance and was ready for anything she threw at him. But she did nothing but cast the newly taught charm on her hands and feet.
He could understand casting the gripping charm on your wand hands, but on your feet? Did she intend to dodge any of his spells. Now it was his turn, pointing his wand he hoped she knew what was coming at her. Silencio! He cast at her putting forth a ton of effort into it.
Judging from his wand movement, Kurumi knew what was coming and she really wasn't all that surprised. It had been a rather...mean move of her's back during capture the flag to make sure that he didn't go and rat on their plan. Sadly, they never got the chance to go after the yellow flag because Peeves swooped in and took all the flags. Game called because there were no flags to capture. Sad.
Protego," Kurumi countered, blocking his spell and slowly pivoting her foot behind her to stand sideways. Now, what to counter with? A distraction was probably something that would help. Chances were he was expecting her to cast Glisseo since it was something that became a habit during the game. Kurumi slightly swished her wand. "
Papilio!" Butterflies were conjured from Kurumi's wand, flying directly towards Oakey in a colorful display. It was going to take a lot of Finite to make all those go away, and hopefully enough of a distraction for the remainder of the duel.
No, no cookies this time. Hehe.