Engorgio .10
Fifth Year

Remus and Lily were sitting in their Prefect compartment on the Hogwarts Express, talking about what they would do during the summer, when a knock at the door startled them.
Remus let out a small laugh, and Lily rolled her eyes. “Potter, this is the prefects compartment. You are not a prefect.”
He walked in anyway. “Here Evans, I just wanted to give you this,” he said handing her a box. He blew her a kiss, which made her twitch, and walked out.
“What is it?” Remus asked.
Lily untied the bow, and took off the lid. It was a candy heart which was the size of a toaster. Remus let out a laugh, “I thought I heard him practicing Engorgio last night. He must have thought we were all sleeping.”
Lily put the lid back on and put the box in the overhead compartment. “Hey, Lily… how come you won’t go out with him?” Remus asked.
“He’s a bully, he has a big head, and he repulses me,” she said.
“No, I’m not buying it,” Remus replied. “After 5 years of him pursuing you I don’t understand how you haven’t gone on one date with him.”
Lily looked away.