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Old 01-18-2012, 01:25 AM   #9 (permalink)

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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Gallifrey
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Disapparate .9
Fifth Year
“So how are you going to get there?” Remus asked.
“Apparating, of course,” James replied, pulling his fingers through his hair.
Remus looked at him confused, “But you…”
“You don’t have a licence, Toe-rag,” Lily said. She had been reading a book in the common room when the 4 boys had rudely interrupted her space.
“Oh Evans, who said I need a licence?” James said, looking nice and happy to have her attention. “Do you like a bad boy?”
She scoffed at him.
“So, how long will you be gone?” Peter asked nervously.
“Just 3 weeks. Sirius and I will be back in time to get our school supplies for our 6th year. Hey Evans, want to have an interesting 6th year with me?” he asked.
“Remus, could you tell the loud-mouth gits to shut it? I’m trying to read here,” she said, looking at him. He looked tired, and she knew it must have been that time of the moon. “Wait, Remus maybe you had better go to bed, you look exhausted,” she said.
He nodded and got up, looking at the rest of the boys, “Maybe you had all better go to bed as well.”

always on the move
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