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Old 01-17-2012, 09:35 PM   #64 (permalink)
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Third Year

Originally Posted by Gabrielle View Post
SPOILER!!: Just so you know...
4. To make it across to the finishing line you need to RP the event in as many quality posts as the time frame allows. By "quality" we mean at least one good sized paragraph, 4 lines of text, and a bit of effort put into the posts. This should include the binding of your leg to your partners, hopping/jumping, dodging the topiary and then making it to the finish line.

Try and make your post just an teensy bit bigger, okay?

Glenn tried to keep up the pattern but eventually it got a little messed up, "Ahh!" Glenn tripped over, bring Louise down with her. She fell face forward on the ground, staining her clothes green and getting dirt on her chin. She got up, wincing at some particularly bad scratches on her leg. She looked over at Louise and burst out laughing, forgetting about her leg and helping her up, still laughing.
louise started to laugh too, she saw the girl help her up "thank you let's try that again" right left right left right left right left right she saw a topiary up ahead "let's try and dodge it ok"
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