Treyen was trying this non-verbally, so, he took his time, though he wasn't exactly sure why, it's not like he was doing this once, after all, he was practicing with the folded paper first. And if he got it wrong, he could always reverse it...or start over with another piece of paper.
So, Statua Habitum, right? He practice the incantation a few more times in his head and was kind of hoping he could do this on the first try...not just because it'd be pretty cool if he did, but because he could spend less time in the practice room...and give out the frame soon enough.
He kept on focusing, drawing that square as he thought of the incantation. Soon after that, a pop let him know that it was done. Granted, it wasn't just the popping sound, but the
frame in front of him as well. Nice. Now he was free to try that out with the picture, right?
Since Treyen wasn't planning on wasting any more paper...then the logical thing would be to reverse the spell, which is what he intended to do next...