Thread: The Duck Pond
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Old 01-17-2012, 03:57 AM   #490 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Saiai View Post
Isaac's words warmed her heart and she was fairly beaming once he said them. There was no doubt in her mind that he was the sweetest guy in the whole world and that the fears he had expressed to her on a previous occasion about being a bad boyfriend were completely unfounded. Indeed she didn't even know where he'd gotten the idea that he could be one, especially when he acted like this.

"Considering I like dancing in the rain, or out under the stars I think one can assume that I like the dark. In fact, I might even love the night. It's magical..." So was his offer to go just a polite one then? Or was he worried that her attacks would be worse at night because she wouldn't be able to see the way out? Not that her's were. She actually did quite well at night time surprisingly, maybe because she'd never been afraid of the dark.

"If you don't wish for me to go with you I wont... However, if your worried about me then I hope I can set that aside by letting you in on the fact that I've very rarely had a panic attack at night. The only times I've had are when I've had a nightmare or woken up in a strange place," Amelia informed him, speaking slightly slower than she normally would as her words were hesitant. Because if it was the first option than he could have just said it and she didn't need to reveal the second to him, but if it was the second option, well her attacks still weren't things she really liked to talk about...

"I know. I'm just really bad at remembering to rub it in when I should," plus she didn't really like touching bruises since they, you know, HURT. And so sometimes even when she did remember to do so she wouldn't.
His face beamed down at her as she said she liked the dark, "I personally do te. It's more romantic and quiet te me. Not really frightening, things can hide yeh, but it's more of a peacefulness." That was his opinion of the dark, clouds weren't as nice, but to be able to see the stars at night even in the coldness of winter it was a perfect time to be outside in his eyes.

Looking at her surprised he shook his head as he tilted his head to look at her better again "No, not at all. I jus' wasn' sure if what happened years ago was affected at night. Things can kind of close in the darker it is, seemingly. I would luff fer ye te come." he said honestly. Waking in a strange place, well that could be one reason she'd not want to come to Scotland! "And if ye do decide te go te Scotland, we could jus' go fer the dinner and return afterwards." he added softly out of the blue. Because the comment about waking in a strange place brought that idea up.

"Don' rightly feel nice te rub it in." he said wrinkling his nose. It was true, and he knew it helped sometimes but it hurt!

Last edited by Nordic Witch; 01-27-2012 at 03:11 PM.