SPOILER!!: Hannaaahh
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She was listening to Presley answer Elliot's questions when all of a sudden the girl turned around and lashed into her. Hannah's blood automatically boiled. She didn't care who you were or how pure your blood was nobody was going to talk to Hannah like that. Not to mention that she couldn't be that noble with a muggle as a mother. It usually wouldn't bother her so much whether or not other people's parents were pureblood, but this girl did ask her how her parents felt did she not? Sure she shared her parents views on the matter, but if someone did not want to know something then why ask? "Being married to a wizard and knowing about us is different from exposing to the general population about us." Which was true and besides she didn't really care what this girl thought. Presley isn't anything to her. She wasn't going to apologize for how she felt. It wasn't her fault that her father married a muggle.
Hannah was not somebody that was going to go with the flow. She believes in what she believes in and that's that. She wasn't even trying to be rude to the girl. She was over it now though. She was acting as if she was ranting on about her mother personally. Once she was told that her mother was a muggle she would have let the subject drop but not after she went off the deep end. "I wasn't speaking to you any kind of way...you asked me a question and I answered." Surely this girl did not think that life was always rainbows and sunshine. People were not always going to have the same views or opinions. Hannah wasn't going to change her views to appease anyone. That much she was sure of. Hannah was done with the foolish girl. So she stared her down before turning to Elliot.
As she looked at Elliot she couldn't even remember what she had said at first still fuming about the silly Presley girl...noble blood....right! She wondered for a moment how Elliot could be friends with such a person and then she thought back to Diagon Alley when she had met another girl that wasn't sure her blood and realized that it didn't matter because they had gotten on so well. Makes no difference now she would never be ok with someone talking to her like that. Ahh yes it was coming back to her...their mothers.
Your mom sounds a lot like my mom." Which is a lot more than she could say about Presley's mom. Then Hannah stood there because she was not going to let Presely run her off and she sure wasn't intimidated!
Elliot, still quite amused lazily waved her hand at Hannah.
"Hannah, it's all right. Both of you, this is neither the time, nor the place," she said with a roll of her eyes. Honestly, people loved arguing around here. Elliot couldn't stand it. She felt it to be a bit...well, unnecessary, since she was always right.
She did nod at Hannah, though. No, Elliot wasn't mad at Hannah.She liked the younger girl. Hannah reminded Elliot of herself a lot...
"Most pureblood noble housewives are alike. Mine is...not as refined as you would think. Her family is a blotch on my family tree...but I'm not talking about it.." she said with what sounded like a very fake cough. Change of subject, please.
Elliot loved watcher other people argue. It was always fun. Elliot wouldn't take sides...unless the argument got worse. Presley would probably expect Elliot to take hers, since Elliot had been friends with her longer. Who knew, though. Elliot liked to...play by ear.
SPOILER!!: press
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Presley Black
Elliot at least seemed to be on Presley's side of the issue more than Hannah's. Pres flashed a quick smile at Elliot. Of course she amused her. Presley had just flown into a fury again. Elliot had been once on the recieving end of the same situation, she knew Hannah was in it deep. Presley nodded, she really didn't care what Darius Morganzo did, but she was politely curious, so she had asked. As long as his line of work didn't affect Presley, he could be a hit-man for all she cared.
Presley also noticed the owl, at the same time as Elliot. She brightened. Maybe it was from her father?
No such luck. It was from Leo, which wasn't bad, Presley loved Leo, but she's kind of hoped her father had decided to send her a letter after all. Presley releived the owl of it's rather large burden and pet it's beak. "Just a second," she said to it as she turned to her bag and dug for..there it was. Presley pulled out the box of treats she kept for Mercury, and gave the delivery owl a few. "There you go." She smiled at it again. It was a very beautiful animal.
That hadn't been what Hannah had said a moment ago. She'd said "as if muggles were worthy enough to know about us" not "unless they are married to a wizard, in which case thier standing is higher." Presley found herself growing angrier and angrier at the silly little child. "It's no difference at all." She snapped. "As if your worthiness can change based on who you fall in love with?" Presley for one, had no doubts that her parents had loved each other deeply, which was more than most children could say.
Presley listened carefully to Hannah's next words, and her voice got soft, and dangerous. "Didn't your parents ever teach you to know your audience and to choose your words carefully?" She asked glowering. As in, never bring up pureblood supremist ideals with a muggleborn for instance? Or never inadvertantly insult a noble's parentage? This Lockwood girl was certainly uncultured, and not worth Presley's time. Presley shook her head. "People without manners are hardly worth the time I've already wasted on you." She said snottily.
Presley turned back to Elliot. "Elliot, it was nice to see you again. I hope we can speak again soon?" She said politely, reminding the Morganzo that the two of them had important things to talk about. She bowed her head slightly, as the proper parting for a peer of your same social standing, picked up her bag and the package delivered by the owl, and stalked back toward the castle. Her father was going to get a huge letter tonight. Though Presley had not much hope of him writing her back, at least he would be proud of how she'd handled the situation with that....ridiculous girl.
Elliot watched as Presley read the note. She looked a tad disappointed. Eliot wondered why...they had a lot of catching up to do, for sure. Presley finished her letter, lashed out at Hannah some more.
Usually, Elliot didn't mind people being mean. No, a little meanness was healthy. But Elliot didn't want to lose Hannah as a friend. She had to at least attempt to
look like she was sticking up for Hannah WITHOUT making Presley angry.
"Now, now, Presley, let's play nicely, here. Hannah's a lot like me..." she replied with a twinkle in her eye and a small little laugh.
Now Presley was walking away, probably mad. Oh well.
"Yes, yes, tea party soon. I have...things of importance to tell you," she hinted mysteriously. The only other person she had right now to tell everything to was Dani. And Dani was only eight, so not much of a help.