Originally Posted by
♦ Peeves ♦
"Ain't it a glorious day
Peevesy is out to play!
I feel like I could flyyyy."
The sing-song voice of the one and only Peeves the Poltergeist could be heard echoing as he swoooooped out a window and headed for the grounds. Sotto voce, he addressed himself.
"Now Peevesy none of your larking about!"
His voice was muffled as he floated through a wall, then he reappeared again dressed in a red, orange and white striped blazer, a blue bow tie and white gloves, and of course a marvellous matching straw boater hat. He was dashing, he was.
"Its a jolly holiday for Peevesy!
Peevesy makes you scream in fright!"
The ethereal and incorrigible Peeves floated outside and, spotting a blonde lady sitting there doing nothing, he just thought he would do his poltergeistly duties and spice things up a bit.
"'e 'asn't changed a bit 'as 'e?"
He cackled and swooped in close, then off, off to see what all those children were doing.
It seems Peeves the Poltergeist is being a bit nosy out on the grounds. What do you suppose he's up to?