Originally Posted by ShadowButterfly She walked over to Minvera,"Since we are suppose to give someone our frame when we finish it for the assignment." She hands her the frame,"There you go." She said cheerfully. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Minerva smiled. "Awww thanks Butterfly. That is so nice. It is a wonderful frame, but it will be even better with a picture in it." she smiled and pulled her camera out of her bag. "Come here" she put her arm around Butterfly and snapped the picture of the two of them. "That will be a great picture." she smiled. "So are you liking your classes so far? Liking doing spells?"
"Classes are okay, the spells are getting more and more confusing, but that's the joy of things I guess." She said with a smirk."How are classes for you?"
I'm not perfect, I'm just me.