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Jordan wandered into the Boys Dormitory, looking at Maxwell he said, "Hey, you wanted to talk to me didn't you?"
Maxwell was happy his anxious waiting was over, He had to tell someone and Jordan was His best guy friend, so who else should he tell right? "Ok, yesterday in the Library. I was reading near the stain glass windows like i always do and i met this girl, She was amazing! Her name is Violet and she's a Ravenclaw, Ariana kind of ruined our conversation, and i accidently sent Ariana to the hospital wing." Maxwell said thinking of how he'd pushed her off his chair in a joking matter of course. "My next stop is to go see Ariana but, that's not part of my story. I'm meeting Violet in the topiary garden later today. Aren't You dating a Ravenclaw girl?" Maxwell asked.