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Minerva smiled and blushed a bit when his hand was on hers. "Well for this project we have to actually look at the stars. As long as we don't do the same constellation or the same answers we could probably go out together so then I could help you, if you want. This is my journal so far." blushing again showing that she of course had jumped right into the project. She didn't know why her bookworm side always made her uncomfortable around her friends. She hid it so long last year. She opened her journal and three sketches were seen
Now you can see in this journal I have written what I have seen and then did a sketch of what I was looking at.
" Oh, neat, Minnie. That seems easy enough. " he smiled as he squezed her hand gentley
" I don't know where I'd be without you, Min. " Justin said as he kissed her on the cheek. " You're a lifesaver! "