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Vickers heard someone. He turned around widening his eyes as he saw a Puff trying to grab their flag "Immobulus!" he cast pointing at her. Vickers doesnt like missing Ravvie flags uh uh.
Trying to figure out what as going on in their territory Vickers saw a fellow seemingly under a spell. "Finite" he cast waving his wand over her.
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Taylor finally could move. She pointed her wand at the hufflepuff, "Immobulus!" Without looking at the one who freed her she said, "Thanks." She still was focusing on the puff though, keeping her wand pointed at the girl.
Minerva smiled at the boy "Protego" and then she heard the girl "Protego" she turned quickly and jumped at the flag knowing this would probably be the last attempt before they got to close. This flag was just being difficult she had spent what felt like hours after it.