Harvs has time turner.. Lol! ||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos || Text Cut: Minnie Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Minerva made it out of the castle and threw her bag down on the ground in frustration. Then she sat down next to it. NO ONE at least students was going to tell her what she was allowed to do. She spent most of summer being pushed around and having orders barked at her. She couldn't help but reach into her back to take out her calming potion she made, but her bag was wet. She opened it up further to notice the vial it was in had broken. She sighed and pulled everything out of her bag to clean it up. Harvey followed Minnie out the Great Hall to the corridor to the courtyard.. and he watched as she started taking things out of her bag.. he walked upto her "Er.... need any help?" he asked her calmly.. he didnt want her to jump in fright.. that was the last thing he wanted.. |