Give yourselves a pat on the back. In the few short weeks of the current term, we've lost quite a bit of points, but at present, we stand at third place. And not far behind from second place either. Only 61 points behind Ravenclaw, and only 65 behind Slytherin.
Continue to strive toward hard work and team LOYALTY like I know you're all capable of and believe in yourselves. Remember, there is no I in team. And NOBODY, I repeat, NOBODY knows that better than Hufflepuffs. We stand up for each other.
So without further ado, the first set of golden badgers is:

Lislchen - 32
Lissy Longbottom - 32
Poolicious - 30
MyPatronusIsaMoose - 29
FireboltAvis88 - 29
Remember though, we can't win with just these five alone. We need ALL Hufflepuffs to work together. Feeling overwhelmed? Try spending just 15-20 minutes a day toward participating in one of the five (or so) lessons happening now. Take advantage of the
Hufflepuff Study Tables this term and motivate each other. Or motivate each other by sharing what it means to YOUR Character to
Be A Hufflepuff.
The power to achieve glory of something that hasn't been achieved in
thirteen terms, rests in your hands. So put aside that game in Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and do something for Hufflepuff. For your housemates. For you.