And now they were giving him funny looks.
Well, he had stuttered his name, and maybe it was odd for people to do that, but had Darwin ever said he was normal? And Damon WAS his name just... his middle name, and he had to learn to remember that there was no one to correct him 'round here, now.
So he would ignore the looks. Except for the tiny hint of a blush that was creeping up his cheeks.
"Well, what would you, uh, rather?" he managed, a little more bluntly than he'd intended - of course, he didn't WANT to be rude, but this man was surely being so, and so he couldn't help it.
"I mean, would you rather people walked past, or stared? You're a, uh, painting, aren't you s'pose to be stared at?" Wasn't that what pictures were for?
Eh, the magic world was getting stranger by the minute.
And now he wanted to know what they wanted, oh. Darwin nodded in agreement with the other first year.
"Yeah, uh, that," he said as he moved his head.
"Because I've never spoken to a portrait before, y'see." And he wasn't sure he ever wanted to talk to one again. They were WEIRD, and mean.
Unless Elektra was serious, and she knew of portraits that wouldn't MIND being spoken to. He nodded, slowly in reply to her.