Post #1 ♥ Belive ♥ Slytherin ♥ 08/01/14 ♥
Angelina was very happy to go check out her plant she planted the other day in Herbology. Walking a little fast than she normally does she headed towards her plant. For not being in the greenhouse for a few days, if seemed a little darker then it was a few days ago.
Once she finally arrvied at the plants she looked at it for a little while. A smile then came upon her face. "You doing alright," she asked her plant. Of coruse with the plant not responding she ignored it. Angelina then remembered to check if the ivy was covering the sun enough. Looking up she looked to see the ivy wasn't covering in as much. In her shy way she patted the ivy a little and said, "Umm... can... can you maybe block this part for me a little? she waited and looked up at it. After a while she saw the ivy beinning to move to cover the spot a little. "Thank you!" Angelina said to the ivy with a wide smile. She felt a bit weird talking to plants, who cant say anything back, but that was alright, she was a fun adventure.