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Anakin had decided all of the good, exciting things in his life happened at random corridors, or at Diagon Alley. Considering Diagon Alley was too far out of his reach at this particular moment, he was going to wander the corridors, because honestly he'd felt like he was a bit of rut. Well, his life was anyways. Now that tryouts were over, and his friends were busy with their studies, he didn't quite know what to do with himself.
It was times like this, he missed being back at Ireland with his Da. Playing quidditch out at the back pitch, or attempting to play a muggle video game inside the house together. It made him feel a little nostalgic, which in turn distracted the 7th year to the point of missing the last step to come upon the long span of the corridor.
Of course that's when he tripped and sprawled out all across the floor, his homework bag spilling the contents all along the floor. "Oh bloody hell." He glanced up and saw a figure a little farther in, and turned a slight shade of red. Blushing a little bit, and scurrying to pick up his items. "Oh, er, uh sorry."
Before she knew it,a rackett brought her out of her little lapsy of reality. She focused on the heap of a person just crumpled on the floor. With an instant she was running over to see if she could assist. She had seen the figure hit the deck like a sac of tatoes.
She looked at him and half smiled.He was apologising, with that very recognisable mouth,and eyes.. come to look at it.. his face was one that you just instantly recognised, despite probably never seeing this being ever before. She had to mentally tell herself to stop frowning, 'cos she could feel her brows knitt together.
"Geeez, you alright? Kinda took a nose dive there huh.."She smiled a lopsided smile which looked sympathetic on his behalf. She helped pick up the material scattered across the cold ground. She smiled and took a quick glance. Hmmm..
clever cloggs here.She smiled and offered her hand in his direction, she reached for her glasses which were perched on top of her head tucked behind her hair, before they fell out.
"You alright?"