Join Date: Jun 2011 Location: Oceanic Flight 815
Posts: 558
K, new chapter! It's kind of short, but mini-climax coming soon!  Enjoy Chapter 12 “Hey Bandy.”
I looked up from my book. It was Jen.
“Oh, hey Jen.”
She sat down across from me. We were in the library about a half an hour after supper. The sun was beginning to set. We would all be heading home in two weeks for Christmas holidays. “I haven’t talked to you in a long time.”
It was true. The last we talked must’ve been at least three weeks ago.
“I heard about your detention with Professor Ports. How was it?”
I stared at her. It had been one week since my detention with Professor Ports. I didn’t tell a soul about it. I was far too haunted and ashamed about it, and I’m pretty sure he’d be pretty ashamed to hear the story too. So I just answered Jen’s question with the usual answer, “He made me do lines.”
She smiled at me. “That’s good.” I went back to my book. It was truly interesting. It was talking about all different sorts of magical creatures. Some I recognized from the old tales, but some were completely new to me. Then nervously she asked, “So, umm… how’s Charlie?”
I glanced up from my fascinating book with a look of mild surprise. “He’s doing fine,” I answered, slightly suspicious. “Why are you asking?”
“No reason, just curious,” she answered quickly. “I haven’t spoken to him since I gave him his dragon pin.”
“Yeah,” I said absently. I would’ve smirked to myself, but I just noticed a picture in the book that shocked me greatly. It was a tall figure. Cloaked in black it was. It had the air of one who would want me in the worst pain possible. It was standing; no, not the right word; hovering over a human, who was withering with fear. I could only think of one thing when I saw it; a Ringwraith.
I turned around to see Tonks walking towards us. Her eyes were wandering, as if she wasn’t sure where to go. “Hey, Tonks!”
She looked over at me, and got a sense of coldness about her. “What do you want?” she asked.
I looked at her in amazement, but I tried to ignore. She’d been this way for awhile now, but I just couldn’t figure out why. She was so nice before. But other times she seemed so lost that I had to talk to her and help her. Finally, I just said, “I just wanted to say hi.”
“Fine,” she answered.
Jen was just staring at her. “Hey Tonks,” she whispered.
“Hey Jen, how are you?” she said, now suddenly seeming friendly.
“I’m fine, just a little tired from homework.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“Tonks,” I said again, trying to get her attention. “Do you know what this is?” I pointed to the Ringwraith, and as soon as I did I realized it was a mistake. At that she began to cower, and then she collapsed in the middle of the entire library. I could see a tear go down her cheek. “What’s wrong with her?” I asked quietly, mostly to myself.
Jen got up from her chair and began examining Tonks. Tonks was still conscious, but she had a terrified look in her eyes. “I don’t know. Tonks, are you okay?” The entire library was watching.
Tonks lay there in Jen’s arms like a small child. After a long time of staring and waiting, Tonks nodded silently. “Okay then Tonks, can you get up?” Tonks nodded again, and Jen gingerly helped her.
Everybody then went back to their business.
When Jen set Tonks in a plushy chair at the end of table, I whispered to Jen when she came back to sit down, “What is this?” I pointed once again to the Ringwraith.
“That’s a dementor,” she said simply. She looked back towards Tonks for a second; as if afraid she might overhear us and faint again.
“Well, what does it do?” I questioned further.
She looked at the picture again, and shivered. “It’s a dangerous creature Bandy. When it comes close to you, it feeds on all of your good memories and leaves behind the bad, until your left with just that. And if it goes on for long enough, it will kiss you.”
“Kiss me?” I said in disgust.
“Yeah, it’ll latch onto your mouth and suck out your soul. Then you’re just a shell, left to wander the earth with no emotions, and no thoughts. Really dark stuff Bandy. You really shouldn’t ask.”
She then closed the book for me, and put it back on the shelf, leaving me to ponder this new information. It sure seemed like a Ringwraith to me. The way it makes people wither in fear and nearly die, like during the Siege of Gondor. But these dementors don’t make you die, they make you live with no emotions. That seemed like Lady Eowyn of Rohan and Merry Brandybuck after they destroyed the king of Ringwraiths. And the way Tonks looked at the picture, just the picture, reminded of me of Frodo Baggins in the history books. What could it all mean?
Then, with that last thought, I looked up to find Charlie speed walking (remember we were still in a library) toward us, gasping for breath. Jen was standing next to me, and Tonks had finally fully recovered. When Charlie finally got to us all he said, “Come on you guys. We’re going in the Forbidden Forest.” |