Originally Posted by
Harron Peasley "I saw Mercury, then Venus, saw the Earth, then Mars..." Darwin carried on singing, angling his telescope upwards a little more, struggling to make out anything in particular. It probably would have helped if he'd had the slightest inkling as to what stars were especially bright, or what planets you could see at this time.
But he didn't. That didn't mean that the boy didn't like looking through the telescope, though. All the pretty patterns that the stars made were really rather cool, and he wondered if you could manipulate them. He wanted to make stars spell out his name. Although which name he wanted them to spell he wasn't really sure.
Hearing a voice behind him, and quite close, Darwin stopped singing under his breath, not realising that someone had been so close. "Oh, uh, er I dunno." He shrugged slightly, looking at the boy who was about his age, before realising how stupid it sounded.
"I mean, the stars, but I don't know what stars are which and what planets are which and which are the thingymabobs, whatchamacallits." What was the word for patterns of stars again? "I mean, consternations." That was it, right?
The boy continued to sing about all the planets. Roman couldn't recall hearing anything like that before. He couldn't help, but smile a bit when the boy responded with not knowing what he was looking at.
"Thingymabobs? And whatchamacallits?"
Roman really had no idea what the boy was talking about. He then couldn't help, but chuckle a bit after calling the patterns consternations.
"Um... I think you mean constellations?" Roman smiled. Surely the boy didn't mean being alarmed, though Roman had kinda snuck up on him.
"I don't know that many, but there's a few my mum taught me."
Roman took a few steps back and gazed up at the stars. He knew there were loads more out there, that only a telescope could see, but there were some that his mum pointed out every night before going to bed.
"Okay there!" he pointed. There were three bright start in a row,
"That one is Orion's belt, he was a hunter in Greek mythology."
He then spun around and noticed another one. There were four stars that almost made a box with a tail near the top,
"That one is Ursa Major!" He pointed.
"It kinda looks like a saucepan if you ask me." Roman laughed.
Roman then stopped to look to see what the boy was doing or if he was even paying attention. He certainly didn't want to come across as a know-it-all, but that was only a few he knew and he only could name a handful more. He certainly couldn't tell you which ones were planets either.
"You don't think we'll have to know ALL of them in astronomy do you?" He had a slight tone of worry in his voice. How could anyone remember all of them?