Text Cut: Tommy :P
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Thomas looked around thoughtfully. Frowning thoughtfully. “I dun' fink Pygmy Puffs 'ave the righ' fought process to 'ate.” He replied. “They ain' tha' intelligent.” So.. yeah.. the thing had probably just rolled off looking for insects to eat.. if they ate insects.
His focus flew back to Nessie when she snapped at him for frowning. His eyes widened a little. He wasn't frowning! And that... was sort of uncalled for. He started to frown deeper.. and then realised what he was doing and smoothed out his expression, instead giving her a small knowing smile. He didn't mean anything by it most of the time. It was something he just did.. particularly when he was thinking. “Soz.” He mumbled. “Ain' got a clue when I'm doin' it 'alf the time.”
But the frown was back again the moment Nessie said she didn't think he really wanted to help. “I wouldn't blaady offah if I didn't wantah.” Ness should know by now that Tom was extremely blunt and direct and if he didn't want to do something it was more than likely he wouldn't do it. Blueish purple. See? That was better. At least now he knew what he was looking for. “Righ'.” He nodded and proceeded to start searching the bushes.
“Er... Puffles?” He called feeling a bit silly. It was nearly as bad as Kat calling her puppy 'Fluff.' He was unaware that the puff of blueish purple was cheekily perched on Nessie's back.
Right...since when had Tom known so much about pygmy puffs? It wasn't like he had one of he's own, and Nessie knew Tom didn't listen much in any class. She looked at him with a raised brow.
"And can I ask how do you know that?" It was kinda rude to just ask him the way she did, but thats what happened when she started worrying. Being around her whilst she was worried, was not the most pleasant thing she tended to be impolite and ignorant to others.
Did he not understand english? Ness bit her lip as he's frown grew. Honestly, what was the reason of all he's frowning in the first place? Once Tom had eventually stopped, she gave him a small, small smile. She wasn't in the mood to give anyone one of her big dashing smiles, that was only for when she was trully happy, which wasn't exactly now.
"It's okay, I guess...we all have our bad habits right?" she didn't even want to think of her own habits, they were too terrible."I'm sorry..I'm being so rude and that..its just what happens to me when I freak out." She really did feel bad, and she didn't blame him if he didn't want to stay.
She sighed, Tom was right about that, but still not everyone that offered help actually meant it.Tom wasn't everyone though, he was..well different...in a good way, and she knew he wouldn't have said anything if he didn't mean it.
"I know, but..not everyone is like that." She smiled a little more at him.
"Thanks." It was only polite.
This pygmy puff, was obviousy amazing at hiding himself because he was really impossible to find. It was after quite a while of searching, that Nessie felt some sort of ticklish feeling on her back.
Her first reaction, like any other girl was to scream..which she did rather loudly.
"GET IT OFF ME!!" she shouted in panic. Whatever was on her back, Ness thought it was a rat, or a giant spider or something creepy like that. She truly had no idea that it was her cute little ball off fluff, that she most of the time loved so much.