½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf Keep up the hard work Lions. Do not be discouraged. WE are disadvantaged, and yet WE aren't doing all that bad. Only 14 points separates us from the Badgers, and only 79 points separates us from Ravenclaw. With a bit of effort, and a bit more attendance, we can easily get them eating our dust!
Don't have time? ... spare yourself 15 minutes each day to post in a class (or two) EVERYTHING counts.
sweetpinkpixie - 37
HOPEendures - 37
nups21 - 35
fanficfanatict - 34
Macavity - 32
Can't keep up with lessons? Then ask your housemates. We are here to HELP each other. TOGETHER we can succeed!
So go! Check out the Noticeboard and jump into a class to help our chances at the House Cup. REMEMBER not to announce your late arrival-- just pretend that you were there the whole time. And READ the Professors posts carefully. Good luck young Lions, merry hunting. OOC: I know it might seem discouraging, being last. BUT! We don't have to stay last! The power is in your hands!
Last edited by Hera; 01-13-2012 at 01:15 PM.