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Kurumi nodded at the two younger lions as they spoke. "We need some spells to enhance us, something to delay them from using an actual spell on us." It did take time to cast Finite or a counter curse, so that was something. "We also need to save any members of our pride that have been captured. I know we all want flags, but I would feel awful if we left one of us in jail." They were a pride first and numbers were always important.
Kurumi leaned against the gate and thought for a moment. "Wait...I have an idea." She reached into her pockets for her handkerchiefs and held them in her hands and pointed her wand at them. "Multicorfors." Now the two handkerchiefs were the same red as the flag that should be hanging from their gate.
Is was a long shot, but worth a try anyway.
Quentin watched as the prefect changed the color of a couple of handkerchiefs
"Good idea." she complimented. She thought about what the older girl had said,
"Maybe we should try and have a snoop around others bases before we act, find the jails and flags. I don't really wanna leave anyone behind either, besides it'll be better to have more people to guard and find flags than not have enough and have any flags we grab taken."