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Christopher shook his head. "I've been in the library studying nearly every free minute I have." He'd been doing some serious preparations for OWLs, even if it was a bit early in the year. But apparently he wasn't the only one. A lot of other fifth years were too. It shouldn't have been too surprising that he hadn't seen her battle scars.
Studying it closer, he murmured, "Oh my...." He stood up straighter, feeling very curious and very out of the loop. He was too busy with studying to get involved in their drama at this point, but apparently it had escalated by a lot. "What did you do to her!?" he spluttered, trying to figure out why Elektra would've done this. "Obviously something you did ticked her off..." He wasn't taking sides, as clearly the Snake was guilty of a nasty beat down, but he needed to hear the whole story before he could decide how he felt on the matter.
Selina nodded at him when he explained where he had been for the past few days. The term was moving swiftly now and she had not seen him once, but she understood now. It was the year of his OWLs so he no doubt was going to be in the library all term. She chuckled at his response and then she said,
"Right that would explain things."
Then when he asked her what SHE did she got teary eyed. How dare he think that she did something! She took a step forward and said looking up in his face,
"What did I do to her? How dare you! I tried to help her when she hurt her hand. So I tried to help and got hit. I only got hit trying to help her, not because of something I did. So go to hell you git."