Originally Posted by
Lockhartian Yes, exactly, Max was nice. Though, apparently...more than nice, since now he was amazing. Ha.
That only brought a smile to his face, it was good to know she had such friends. Plus, they...got along, didn't they? That was a bonus, too. Imagine if Treyen didn't get along with Sabel? Tragedy.
However, he looked at her, curiously, "I'm a bit more surprised at the fact that I didn't know he existed," not because he knew a bunch of people, "I mean, I didn't know you were so close." Why did he added that bit? "I only knew he was the Keeper last year." So, it wasn't like he really didn't know the boy existed, he just wasn't aware of who Max actually was. Or is.
An eyebrow went up. That was a bit conceited, wasn't it? Though Ellie knew that Treyen tended to know nearly EVERYONE, as she'd told Max, it didn't mean that he should know that he knows nearly everyone.
And then he clarified himself.
"You mean that I didn't mention him?" She shrugged,
"He never came up." Honestly, did Treyen really want her going on about some other guy when they spent time together. He didn't like talking about Dallin....He didn't even like talking about
Little Professor. What would Treyen think if she spoke of the boy she cuddled with and cried on and had heart-to-heart conversations with?
So she didn't mention her bestfriend. If anyone should be upset, it should be Max, actually, but either Max didn't know or didn't care that he wasn't mentioned.