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"My sister's eight years old...and quite stubborn," Gwen didn't really know how that was relevant, but felt the need to add it. "We used to have a Kneazle and a Pymypuff. But the Kneazle ate the Pygmypuff and then died of old age, so that didn't end too well." She grimaced as she remembered the horror of discovering her father vanishing bits of chewed up Pygmypuff early one morning.
Vlimia chewed just a few
red Starbursts thoughtfully.
"I recently bought a purple Pygmy Puff. My mother has an actual Puffskein, so she thought a Pygmy Puff would be great for all her children to have. Mine is named Tina, my brother calls his red one Blaze and my little sister's bubblegum pink one is named King Gummy von Pinkypuff." Vlimia explained, feeling more than slightly stupid while saying the last one's name.
"King Gummy rules the toybox and her dolls are his loyal subjects." Vlim nodded as if that was not the most idiotic thing she had explained in her whole life.