Kurumi continued to chase after this one flying squirrel as it glided through the air. It wasn't moving too fast, so it was the perfect pace for her to keep up with. When she eventually caught up with it, she chose to fly beside it for a bit, hoping that her presence would catch its attention. She smiled when it did and even squealed with glee when the little guy decided to land on her broom. YAY! She was just about to reach out and pet it when...
Originally Posted by
Lissy Longbottom
One of the squirrels landed ON HIS ARM and sunk it's nails right into his sweater.
"AHHH! LET GO OF ME!!!" Alex yelled, his voice reaching pre-pubescent levels as he shot forward, trying to go fast enough to get the squirrel to let go.
EEK! Kurumi flailed her arms when she heard Alex shout and pick up speed, noticing the tiny little creature that was clinging to his arm. "Wait! You'll scare it!" she shouted as she leaned forward on her broom to pick up speed, turning her handle now and again to avoid colliding with any other squirrels or students.
The poor thing was probably frightened and tired. Flying squirrels were nocturnal after all. The poor thing probably just wanted to snuggle somewhere soft and warm. What better place to do so than on a Hufflepuff, right?