SPOILER!!: Team 1
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Green Ninja
Oh, he had a hard time keeping himself from jumping up and down when he heard there was going to be potato sack races! Hurrying over he found himself the first one there, well besides the professor. He didn't have a team already planned, he just hoped someone would ask him to be on their team! Standing near the pile of sacks next to the Slytherin case of sacks, Isaac looked around waiting for others to join him.
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Well.. what could she say? She was enjoying the Founder's Fandango. It was so much fun and she was really feeling excited that she wanted to join all of the contests!
After reading the rules, she frowned. 3 member on each team. Sigh. She didn't have anyone with her. Then she saw Professor Lafay, "Good day Professor.." she greeted as she walked near a boy who was all alone. "Hi! Got a team yet?" Beezus asked.
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Potato sack races? Wow! Ira loved potato sack races!
In her old muggle school, there used to be an annual sports event wherein potato sack races were held. And it used to be so much fun! It would look so funny to see students hopping in sacks, some falling..
Anyways, she came back to present and entered the arena. Two students were already there. So could they three form a team?
"You lot! You will be team one." She said pointing at the three.
SPOILER!!: Team 2
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Zhenya ran up to the Slytherin line. 3 to a team? She saw two other Slytherins - PERFECT! Hopefully they didn't have another team lined up.
She walked up to them both, and said "Could we be a team of 3?" hoping she could win more tokens - and of course, have fun.
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Laura stared at the Professor, she wasn't sure she liked this Professor much she seemed scary. "How are you today Professor?" Laura smiled. "Are you take part today?" Laura had no idea who's group she was going to be in but she would find a team somehow.
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"Yes we can!" Olivia excitedly replied.
"And you three, you'll be team 2..." She said and looked around.
"I'm going to see how many more students come before we begin round 1." She said