Thread: The Duck Pond
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Old 01-12-2012, 02:36 AM   #348 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Saiai View Post
"Probably because this is the second time I've been crying since we got here. My little brother had snuck his favourite plush toy into my trunk before I left. It was one that I gave him to 'keep him safe at night'," Amelia revealed with a small sad sigh, and a wistful look on her face. She really did miss her baby brother. Her parents, not so much. "It's funny you know, because I miss him so much, but he was the actual reason why I put in for a transfer here. I didn't want a little brother and my parents were acting as if he was the best thing to ever happen to them, which is normal really, I mean I'm the middle child so I'll never be that... And well he's their first boy, so really I suppose that's normal for them to be extra excited. But I just got so sick of hearing about him that I applied for the transfer, and when it was approved I was so excited... And then of course it was too late to change my mind about coming once I'd gotten attached to him. Not that I regret coming because I'm really, really grateful that I've met you and that wouldn't have happened unless I transferred, and I'm just going to go ahead and be quiet now," Amelia babbled, revealing more than she probably should have in her effort to distract from her hand. Not that it worked.

Frowning slightly, Amelia bit her lip, before nodding and placing her hand in Isaac's. The ouchiness was not improving. She'd probably made the ouchiness worse by continuing to play at tryouts with her hand injured. But she wanted on the team and was not going to give up.

"I know, but you did good out there. I'll be surprised if you don't make the team," Amelia said sincerely, as she watched what he was doing with her hand.
"Ohhh." he said softly now understanding fully why she'd been in tears that night. "I can see why ye'd be home sick with thet." He could too, even though he didn't have any siblings, something as precious as his favorite stuffed animal had to hurt not being there with her brother. Putting one arm around her he held her close as she continued to speak. Middle child? He didn't recall her saying she had an older sibling, she had a sister apparently. Maybe he just missed it, or it had slipped her mind, but he didn't ask. "Mebbe write him letters about what ye are learning here and even feeding the ducks." he said softly. Would that help her? He wasn't sure, he knew that he'd love letters like that if it were him. But that was because he loved hearing of adventures!

A smile appeared again as she said she was glad she'd been transfered because then she'd met Isaac, shaking his head though when she said she'd stop talking, "No, I want te hear about this, and whenever yer sad, hurt, worried, happy. Anything!"

Slipping his arm back out as she handed him her hand. Gently he started prodding as lightly as he could, to check for broken bones, "I think it's jus' really bruised, mebbe we should go te the kitchens te get some ice?" Bending her fingers really slowly and gently he looked up to see her face to see if she showed any pain.

"I dunno, I thought I did fairly poorly allowing te many quaffles in" he said shrugging. "Mebbe Keeper isn't fer me."