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Taylor spotted the gryffie still trying to get to the flag. Taylor pointed her wand at the gryffie again and said, " Confundus"
Kurumi head the Ravenclaw throw yet another spell in her direction and she ducked down low to dodge this spell as well. Lying flat on the ground, Kurumi momentarily lost focus on her Hover Charm, and the rock began to waver in the air. Kurumi flicked her wand at the rock again.
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"Engorgio!" Eino shouted pointing his wand at the rock, and causing it to triple in size. This would surely give someone else the opportunity to capture the Gryffindor prefect without too much trouble.
But, there were just some spells that you couldn't dodge. Kurumi had to put both hands on her wand now due to the weight of the rock and she let out a low grunt as she attempted to not allow it to come crashing down.
She needed to do something quick or else someone would
TOUCH her and she would be in prison. All part of the game and no doubt one of her housemates would come along shortly to save her if that did happen.