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Jade rolled her eyes at Nikolas. "Just wait. Next time when I see you alone, I'm scaring you." She said, crossing her arms. Was she angry? Not really, just a bit mad at herself for not knowing that it was Nikolas. "You better not scare me again." She said, squinting her eyes and poking him in the side. That's what he gets for scaring her and anyways, she would plan out a much better revenge later on.
The sixth year watched as a baby duck started eating what seemed like bread crumbs out in the water. She smiled, but then she looked closer and the baby duck was eating a worm. "Gross." She said, making a disgusted face and looking back towards Nikolas. Oh right, how she was doing. "I've been pretty good. I also found out that my friend, Adam, is a prefect now. So at least I know that if that weird girl tries anything, I'll have Adam on my side." She nodded. And anyways, Adam was much nicer and reliable then Selena was. "What about you? How've you been?" She asked.
Nikolas simply laughed at her response. "
You can try, but I doubt you'll scare me" he shrugged. He was going to watch his back from now on, just in case Jade was around when he was alone. "
I'll think about it" he said when Jade told him not to scare her again, he couldn't promise anything he was gonna try. He was feeling sleepy now, the place was calm and it was a bit windy today so he yawned and looked at Jade answering his question.
Who was Adam? "
Good to hear it, just keep distance from her and I don't think she will bother you" Selena wasn't going to keep an eye on Jade everyday unless she saw her. "
I've been good...tired, I don't get used to wake up early yet" he hated mornings. "
And your parents? No news about them?"