SPOILER!!: Professor
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Just the one question then? Okie dokie.
"As long as you make sure you touch only the paper, when performing the wand movement and saying the incantation, the photo will remain perfectly fine." If that's what the child meant. Considering a few of the weird things they'd managed to do earlier, it might not have been.
"Although if any of you are unsure about using your own photo's to start with, you can take an extra piece of paper and fold it up to mimic a picture. Then when you are more confident, switch over to the one you bought with you." Tapping the frame gently to reverse the process, Isabelle picked up the photo and handed it back to Ellie.
"Thank you for that," she smiled.
Stowing her wand again, she put the piece of paper that was once the frame onto a pile, ready for if they didn't yet trust themselves with their own pictures.
"Now, make sure the paper is flat on your desk, and that the photo is placed directly in the middle of it - or the folded paper, depending on which you use first. Done correctly, the large paper will enclose the photo in the position you want it."
Now, it was getting awfully crowded around her desk.
"You may all return to your seats and give it a go! Remember what I've told you, and please do put your hand up if you need my help with anything." OOC: Just to clarify: It's the PAPER that expands and turns into the frame, not the photo. You just place that on top of the paper so it ends up in the frame.
Have fun!
Zhenya watched in amazement as the Professor had turned the paper into a frame surrounding the photo. She went back to her desk, but was quite nervous about using her photo of her grandparents. It was incredibly important to her, but she trusted that she wouldn't mess it up too bad.
She placed it in the middle of the paper and tried to focus as hard as she could. It was hard trying to focus on transfiguring the paper into a frame when she was looking at her grandparents. She just missed them so much. She just had to ign...ignore them just this once. She cleared her mind of everything, then went back to her task. Thinking of the intent, clearly, she got her wand out and traced a square around her paper, saying the incantation "
Statua Habitum". It didn't work. Nothing happened. Something she wasn't doing right. Probably not focusing enough. She put her wand down and gave herself a little shake, and rolled her head. FOCUS! She tried again, focusing only on the incantation and the intent, and what she wanted the frame to look like. She just pictured it in a beautiful frame, traced a square on the paper and said "
Statua Habitum". Before her eyes, the paper transformed itself into a frame surrounding the photo. It wasn't like her previous frame. This one looked very similar to one her grandmother had. It was ivory in colour, but wood in texture. It looked very old and antique. She almost cried with memories, and she was so proud that she had been able to do it.