SPOILER!!: Yep, I snuck up.
Originally Posted by
Jezabel Black
Jez scrutinised Jordan as he told her about Benjy. She could relate to the 'pure evil sibling' thing - Des was queen of it. Jez was still trying to find a male worthy of 'pure evil sibling' king, but Benjy seemed to fit the bill. "And like a family, we'll stick together," she nodded. "Like that Muggle team thingy, the Three ... Moose?" She didn't know either. "You know, 'all for one and one for all'? Like that." She winced. "Team Wolf probably don't know about your relationship with your brother. They probably just went on the fact that he's a wizard, and because of that you two might be close." Jez frowned. "Could Team Wolf be getting slightly sloppy?" She didn't dare hope.
Originally Posted by
Jordan racked his brains for the word Jez was searching for, "Oh I know this word, I know it!" he struggled to remember. Des didn't seem that bad, why did Jez think that Des was get evil sibling? But that wasn't the priority of the moment, "We can only hope that they are," he shrugged slightly. If they knew he had said that, it would probably come back to get him. "Musketeers!" he cried triumphantly.
Nate had been watching from inside the reeds beside the pond for a while, and he had faintly heard the conversation. His plans to stay hidden and talk about it later went down the drain when Jez and Jordan both lost the word 'musketeer'. Naturally, right when he jumped out and yelled out, "Musketeers!", Jordan was saying it at the exact same time. And Nate? Well,
he landed in the water.