SPOILER!!: Bentley
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Well on the whole it looked as though the students were getting along quite nicely. While they continued practicing the wand movement, Seren summoned a box of goggles--because you could never be too safe, and another small cart of watering cans.
Right, gloves, goggles, cans, pots, soil... SEEDS!
Feeling around in her robes pocket, she plucked out an old silver tin and screwed the top off. Inside where the fire seeds, all hot and red hissed a little as it met more oxygen.
"Alright everyone, I trust you all have your notes ready.." and that they were paying attention.
"First things first, you must perform the charm on your pot... now you will know if it has worked because you will feel the sides begin to warm, it wont be hot, just warm to the touch. Then come up and get your materials and follow the instructions on the board."
Simple, yes?
Tapping her wand on the blackboard once more, another line appeared beneath he instructions.
"So everyone come and claim a pot and goggles and get started. ONLY come for your seed when you need it."
"Also should you wish to mark your pot for whatever reason, feel free to do so." ... because she expected at least SOME of them to visit their seedling as it grew.
OOC: To be eligible for full participation marks you need to complete this activity following the following rules:
[1] This must be done in 5 posts, no more, no less.
[2] Do NOT double post.
[3] Title each post with which number you are up to. i.e. #1 ... #2 etc etc
[4] If you require Bentley's assistance write Bentley in the title as well, i.e. #3 Bentley! ...
[5] Have fun, remember you have gloves and goggles so you shouldn't get hurt. If you do you will be asked to leave the class to see the nurse and therefore miss out on the rest of the activity.
Elise nodded, mentally taking note of everything that was happening. Oh, how she needed her pastels and paper right now...
Smiling to herself, she picked a pot and pulled on some goggles. She could almost imagine how ridiculous she looked, goggles. Pffft. Snapping on her gloves, she picked up her wand.
Chaudensis. Right. Turning her wand in a smooth circle that went anti-clockwise around the inside of the pot, Elise muttered.
Her circle was perfect, she knew it was. It came from hours and hours of drawing. Touching the pot gingerly, she waited for the feeling to register. It was warming, alright. Warm enough? Good. Now, for the next step. What was it, again?